
Archive for Mei, 2010

Kekuatan Pertahanan Indonesia no 14 Di Dunia

Mei 11, 2010 13 komentar

Sedikit terkejut ketika penulis melakukan browsing tentang pertahanan Negara Indonesia. Survei ini diambil dari Namun dalam survey ini kalau pembaca jeli banyak aspek2 non military yang patut di pertimbangkan dalam statistik military defense. Menurut penulis kenapa Indonesia di peringkat 14 dunia diantaranya sebagai berikut:

  1. Faktor kependudukan (angkatan muda yang siap menjadi Militer sipil >100 juta jiwa) mengalahkan amerika serikat
  2. Faktor Sumber daya alam (Minyak Bumi, Besi, dll)
  3. Letak geografis

Namun untuk parameter pertahan itu sendiri atau yang lebih dikenal dengan alutsista TNI kita memang sangat kurang.

Inilah ulasan artikelnya @copyright from

The GFP final ranking is based on an in-house formula used to generate an average of all applicable statistics found on this website when compared against each country with applicable modifiers (bonuses and penalties) added to each nations score to present a more accurate list. The last major statistics review was in February of 2009. The GFP ranking list was updated in May of 2009. Changes to the list now include factors for current/recent military experiences, training levels and equipment quality. Denmark, South Africa and Georgia are new-adds bringing the country total to 42 nations.

Rank 1-10 Observations: The United States (GFP formula value of 0.184) remains the undisputed leader of our list thanks to their staying “active” in global hotspots, showcasing the world’s largest navy and continuing to poor in gobs of money into defense. Our formula sees China edge out Russia but only by the slimmest of margins (0.238 versus 0.241 respectively) with an edge in available manpower and financial capital. France (0.636) and Germany (0.672) are relative equals for the most part but the GFP formula gives a slight edge to France thanks to an aircraft carrier and capable navy as well as a bump in defense spending. Brazil (0.756) is the most powerful South American country on the list thanks to available manpower and a capable navy. Japan (0.920) is a “sleeper” power that sneaks into the top ten with a good navy, strong logistical infrastructure and capital.

Rank 11-20 Observations: Our formula provides for a good disparity between North and South Korea, placing South well-ahead of the North thanks to better infrastructure and capital. Mexico’s placement this high on the list is interesting to note – it scored a good balance across the board in all major categories. Israel finally gets a proper placement on this year’s list – just out of the top ten – sporting a strong land army with equally strong training, modern equipment and recent combat experience.

Rank 21-30 Observations: No surprises here. A basic collection of modern armies of generally equal strengths.

Rank 31-42 Observations: The bottom of the list features two rebuilding nations (Iraq and Afghanistan) as well as two “recovering” nations (Georgia and Lebanon) along with powers that generally stay relatively quiet.

Old Rank Order (from #1 – #39): USA, Russia, China, India, Germany, France, Japan, Turkey, Brazil, UK, Italy, South Korea, Indonesia, Mexico, Canada, Iran, Egypt, North Korea, Spain, Pakistan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Argentina, Sweden, Israel, Greece, Taiwan, Syria, Philippines, Poland, Ukraine, Norway, Iraq, Libya, Venezuela, Lebanon, Nepal and Afghanistan.

Indonesia Military Strength

Total Population: 237,512,352 [2008]
Population Available: 125,530,542 [2008]
Fit for Military Service: 104,496,911 [2008]
Reaching Military Age Annually: 4,291,700 [2008]
Active Military Personnel: 316,000 [2008]
Active Military Reserve: 400,000 [2008]
Active Paramilitary Units: 207,000 [2008]

Total Land-Based Weapons: 2,122
Tanks: 425 [2004]
Armored Personnel Carriers: 684 [2004]
Towed Artillery: 293 [2004]
Self-Propelled Guns: 70 [2004]
Anti-Aircraft Weapons: 515 [2004]

Total Navy Ships: 111
Merchant Marine Strength: 971 [2008]
Major Ports and Harbors: 10
Aircraft Carriers: 0 [2008]
Destroyers: 0 [2008]
Submarines: 2 [2004]
Frigates: 15 [2004]
Patrol & Coastal Craft: 24 [2004]
Mine Warfare Craft: 12 [2004]
Amphibious Craft: 26 [2004]

Total Aircraft: 313 [2004]
Helicopters: 194 [2004]
Serviceable Airports: 652 [2007]

Defense Budget: $4,740,000,000 [2008]
Foreign Exch. & Gold: $56,920,000,000 [2007]
Purchasing Power: $843,700,000 [2008]

Oil Production: 837,500 bbl/day [2007]
Oil Consumption: 1,100,000 bbl/day [2006]
Proven Oil Reserves: 4,430,000,000 bbl [2007]

Labor Force: 109,900,000 [2007]
Roadways: 391,009 km
Railways: 6,458 km

Waterways: 21,579 km
Coastline: 54,716 km
Square Land Area: 1,919,440 km

Sources: US Library of Congress; Central Intelligence Agency

Peta Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia.

Mei 1, 2010 3 komentar


Salam Pembaca yang budiman.

Pada ulasan kali ini saya mencoba sharing atau tukar pikiran mengenai pendidikan saat ini dan Pendidikan Nasional kita secara global. Beberapa saat saya membaca surat kabar di ibukota dan media elektronik pada hari ini tingkat kelulusan Sekolah menengah Umum (SMU) mengalami penurunan di belbagai daerah di indonesia. Artikel yang saya  kutip dari sebuah media elektronik mengenai informasi kelulusan SMU tahun 2010:

Dari 1.522.162 peserta ujian nasional tingkat sekolah menengah atas dan madrasah aliyah, sebanyak 154.079 siswa di antaranya, atau sekitar 10,12 persen tidak lulus. Siswa-siswa tersebut harus mengikuti ujian nasional ulangan yang akan diselenggarakan pada 10-14 Mei 2010……………………………

……………………Dari data hasil ujian nasional tahun 2010, jumlah paling banyak siswa yang tidak lulus dan harus mengikuti ujian nasional ulangan ada di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (23,7 persen), Kalimantan Tengah (39 persen), Kalimantan Timur (30,53 persen), Nusa Tenggara Timur (52,08 persen), dan Gorontalo (46,22 persen). Adapun persentase siswa yang paling banyak lulus ada di Bali (97,18 persen), Jawa Barat (97,03 persen), Jawa Timur (96,69 persen), dan Sumatera Utara (95,85 persen)…………………………………….read more


Kalau kita melihat sangatlah tinggi angka ketidak lulusan pada tahun ini dengan angka standard kelulusan yang naik dan mata pelajaran baru yang di ikutkan dalam UN kali menambah daftar factor-faktor penyebab angka kelulusan yang semakin meningkat. Dari ulasan saya kali ini mencoba mengutarakan ide-ide penulis walaupun bukan pakar pendidikan.

Kejujuran Pemerintah dan Pemda akan Pendidikan Nasional

Melihat hasil ketidak lulusan di tiap tiap daerah dan bisa kita pantau bedasarkan provinsi-provinsi di Indonesia. Secara kasat matapun kita melihat bahwa pendidikan di Negara kita tidak merata. Setujukan…?

Ketidak merataan pendidikan nasional di Negara kita di pengaruhi beberapa factor.

Baca selengkapnya…